The Main Steps On How To Open A Private Clinic In The USA

The Main Steps On How To Open A Private Clinic In The USAHighly specialized medical centers are more attractive to entrepreneurs because of relatively affordable private investments and quick profit. The most profitable areas of paid medicine: dentistry, gynecology, urology and cosmetology.

Private Clinic: premises

The location of the clinic plays an important role. The ideal option is a location near the metro or with busy thoroughfares , in the city center, at the same distance from residential areas.

The room for the clinic should be chosen depending on the number of services that it will provide.

If this is a dental office, then an area of 25-30 m2 will be enough, where one office with an area of 14 m2 will be located – that’s how much space is needed for one dental installation according to sanitary rules and regulations; one sterilization room occupying at least 6 m2, and a small hall where the administrator’s place will be located.

Private Clinic: Equipment

The most expensive part of the clinic is the purchase of medical equipment. Modern equipment is very expensive, for example, an ultrasound machine costs at least $160,000, a diagnostic device for a laboratory – from $10,000 to $70,000.

If the owner of the clinic focuses on providing high-quality medical care according to Western standards, then you need to purchase the appropriate equipment from world manufacturers.

Often, at the initial stage, not new, but used equipment is purchased in the clinic. This does not always mean that the quality of medical services suffers from this. Everything in this case depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

Private Clinic: Licensing

Any medical activity is subject to mandatory licensing. To obtain a license, the clinic must have an appropriate room, a list of necessary medical equipment and personnel with valid certificates. Consideration of the application takes place within two months. Besides, if you need extra funds, you may apply for installment loans Nebraska to pay for a license and equipment.

This option is what exactly may help you reduce the time and efforts. It takes almost 24 business hours from the application submition to funds depositing. The procedure is as secure as possible. Besides, this option is available 24/7.

According to the recognition of several owners of private clinics, the procedure for the formation of a package of documents and the licensing itself lasts, as a rule, at least a year. The license is valid only at a specific address. The difficulty lies in the fact that a separate license is required for each medical service.

In order to issue sick leave, the clinic also needs to obtain a separate license or hire a specialist who has a certain certificate. When planning costs, you should take into account the fact that the finished clinic is available for the licensing period.

Private Clinic: Staff

The basic principles of the selection of medical staff in most private clinics: the presence of diplomas and valid certificates, academic degrees and higher medical categories, work experience or internships in the West, knowledge of foreign languages. Some clinics require applicants to have more than 3 years of work experience in private medical institutions.

The average salary of doctors in private clinics is $800-$2,000 per month, nurses – about $ 300.

In the market of private medical services, it is widespread to lure doctors from one clinic to another for obvious reasons. All clinics claim to be good specialists, because often patients go to the clinic for a certain doctor, and their circle is limited.

This is especially actively applied to dentists. But it is also quite difficult to pick up an average medical staff.

Private clinic: Investments and profitability

The minimum investment for opening a private clinic in a small rented room is $30,000-$50,000. With this money, you can create a highly specialized medical center with one type of medical services, for example, dentistry.

Often entrepreneurs in this field start with this – they buy not the most expensive equipment, open a small clinic and earn money from it to open larger medical centers. In a small clinic, you can do it with 5 or 6 employees: 2 doctors and 2 nurses who will work in shifts, an administrator and an accountant.

For a clinic with several areas of activity and diagnostic equipment, at least $100,000 is needed.

Private clinic: Opening costs

The costs of opening a private highly specialized medical clinic:

  • Repair and rent of a small room – from $3,000.
  • Equipment for one type of activity – $15,000-25,000.
  • Consumables and tools – from $2,000.
  • Licensing of one type of activity – $200
  • Total – from $30,000.